Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations slots include questions and discussion.
Half day prior to their scheduled presentation, all speakers are required to deliver to the Slide Point their PowerPoint file using a pen drive. Available presentations system supports Microsoft Windows PowerPoint and screen resolution 16:9.
If the presentation includes any video, the required file format is "avi".


Poster Guidelines

The dimensions of each poster should not exceed 90 cm width x 110 cm height.
Presenting participants are asked to be in attendance at the poster for the designed sessions.
Each poster will be numbered as indicated in the poster list below.
The poster should be stuck to the board with the provided material.

Poster Session 1 - 1st September 2023 18h00-19h30
From P1 to P87
Topics: Symbiotic signaling, Regulatory Processes, Other Nitrogen-Fixing and Mycorrhizal Symbioses

Poster Session 2 - 2nd September 2023 18h00-19h30
From P8 to P173
Topics: Biochemistry and Bioengineering, Nodule Function, Nodule Development, Diversity and Evolution, Interaction of N2 Fixation and Environmental Factors

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